BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//UNE//iCal4j 1.0//Syllabus plus bridge//EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN X-WR-CALNAME;VALUE=TEXT:BIOL110/INT3 timetable BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Australia/Sydney BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART:20000402T030000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=4;BYDAY=1SU TZOFFSETFROM:+1100 TZOFFSETTO:+1000 END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT DTSTART:20001008T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=10;BYDAY=1SU TZOFFSETFROM:+1000 TZOFFSETTO:+1100 END:DAYLIGHT END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240517T093242Z DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Sydney;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20221116T100000 DURATION:PT7H SUMMARY:Practical/Laboratory - BIOL110/INT3/Day1-Prac1/1 DESCRIPTION:Item - BIOL110/INT3/Day1-Prac1/1. Title - Introduction to Bio logy: Cells and Life. Type - Practical/Laboratory LOCATION;ALTREP="";LANGUAGE=en:AEB Teaching Lab 1 (Room 102)\, W077 - Ag Ed Building (128 cap @ 2sqm) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240517T093242Z DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Sydney;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20221116T100000 DURATION:PT7H SUMMARY:Practical/Laboratory - BIOL110/INT3/Day1-Prac1/1 DESCRIPTION:Item - BIOL110/INT3/Day1-Prac1/1. Title - Introduction to Bio logy: Cells and Life. Type - Practical/Laboratory LOCATION;ALTREP="";LANGUAGE=en:AEB Teaching Lab 2 (Room 103)\, W077 - Ag Ed Building (64 cap @ 2sqm) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240517T093242Z DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Sydney;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20221117T100000 DURATION:PT5H SUMMARY:Practical/Laboratory - BIOL110/INT3/Day2-Prac2/1 DESCRIPTION:Item - BIOL110/INT3/Day2-Prac2/1. Title - Introduction to Bio logy: Cells and Life. Type - Practical/Laboratory LOCATION;ALTREP="";LANGUAGE=en:AEB Teaching Lab 1 (Room 102)\, W077 - Ag Ed Building (128 cap @ 2sqm) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240517T093242Z DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Sydney;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20221117T100000 DURATION:PT5H SUMMARY:Practical/Laboratory - BIOL110/INT3/Day2-Prac2/1 DESCRIPTION:Item - BIOL110/INT3/Day2-Prac2/1. Title - Introduction to Bio logy: Cells and Life. Type - Practical/Laboratory LOCATION;ALTREP="";LANGUAGE=en:AEB Teaching Lab 2 (Room 103)\, W077 - Ag Ed Building (64 cap @ 2sqm) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240517T093242Z DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Sydney;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20221118T130000 DURATION:PT4H SUMMARY:Practical/Laboratory - BIOL110/INT3/Day3-Prac5/1 DESCRIPTION:Item - BIOL110/INT3/Day3-Prac5/1. Title - Introduction to Bio logy: Cells and Life. Type - Practical/Laboratory LOCATION;ALTREP="";LANGUAGE=en:AEB Teaching Lab 1 (Room 102)\, W077 - Ag Ed Building (128 cap @ 2sqm) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240517T093242Z DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Sydney;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20221118T130000 DURATION:PT4H SUMMARY:Practical/Laboratory - BIOL110/INT3/Day3-Prac5/1 DESCRIPTION:Item - BIOL110/INT3/Day3-Prac5/1. Title - Introduction to Bio logy: Cells and Life. Type - Practical/Laboratory LOCATION;ALTREP="";LANGUAGE=en:AEB Teaching Lab 2 (Room 103)\, W077 - Ag Ed Building (64 cap @ 2sqm) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240517T093242Z DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Sydney;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20221117T090000 DURATION:PT1H SUMMARY:Lecture - BIOL110/INT3/Day2-Lec2/1 DESCRIPTION:Item - BIOL110/INT3/Day2-Lec2/1. Title - Introduction to Biol ogy: Cells and Life. Type - Lecture LOCATION;ALTREP="";LANGUAGE=en:McClymont Le cture Theatre 1 (Room 387)\, W034 - McClymont Building (Rural Science) ( 86 cap @ 2sqm) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240517T093242Z DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Sydney;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20221117T150000 DURATION:PT1H SUMMARY:Lecture - BIOL110/INT3/Day2-Lec3/1 DESCRIPTION:Item - BIOL110/INT3/Day2-Lec3/1. Title - Introduction to Biol ogy: Cells and Life. Type - Lecture LOCATION;ALTREP="";LANGUAGE=en:McClymont Le cture Theatre 1 (Room 387)\, W034 - McClymont Building (Rural Science) ( 86 cap @ 2sqm) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240517T093242Z DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Sydney;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20221118T090000 DURATION:PT3H30M SUMMARY:Practical/Laboratory - BIOL110/INT3/Day3-Prac4/1 DESCRIPTION:Item - BIOL110/INT3/Day3-Prac4/1. Title - Introduction to Bio logy: Cells and Life. Type - Practical/Laboratory LOCATION;ALTREP="";LANGUAGE=en:AEB Teaching Lab 1 (Room 102)\, W077 - Ag Ed Building (128 cap @ 2sqm) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240517T093242Z DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Sydney;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20221118T090000 DURATION:PT3H30M SUMMARY:Practical/Laboratory - BIOL110/INT3/Day3-Prac4/1 DESCRIPTION:Item - BIOL110/INT3/Day3-Prac4/1. Title - Introduction to Bio logy: Cells and Life. Type - Practical/Laboratory LOCATION;ALTREP="";LANGUAGE=en:AEB Teaching Lab 2 (Room 103)\, W077 - Ag Ed Building (64 cap @ 2sqm) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240517T093242Z DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Sydney;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20221117T160000 DURATION:PT1H SUMMARY:Practical/Laboratory - BIOL110/INT3/Day2-Prac3/1 DESCRIPTION:Item - BIOL110/INT3/Day2-Prac3/1. Title - Introduction to Bio logy: Cells and Life. Type - Practical/Laboratory LOCATION;ALTREP="";LANGUAGE=en:AEB Teaching Lab 1 (Room 102)\, W077 - Ag Ed Building (128 cap @ 2sqm) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240517T093242Z DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Sydney;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20221117T160000 DURATION:PT1H SUMMARY:Practical/Laboratory - BIOL110/INT3/Day2-Prac3/1 DESCRIPTION:Item - BIOL110/INT3/Day2-Prac3/1. Title - Introduction to Bio logy: Cells and Life. Type - Practical/Laboratory LOCATION;ALTREP="";LANGUAGE=en:AEB Teaching Lab 2 (Room 103)\, W077 - Ag Ed Building (64 cap @ 2sqm) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240517T093242Z DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Sydney;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20221118T123000 DURATION:PT30M SUMMARY:Lecture - BIOL110/INT3/Day3-Lec4/1 DESCRIPTION:Item - BIOL110/INT3/Day3-Lec4/1. Title - Introduction to Biol ogy: Cells and Life. Type - Lecture LOCATION;ALTREP="";LANGUAGE=en:McClymont Le cture Theatre 1 (Room 387)\, W034 - McClymont Building (Rural Science) ( 86 cap @ 2sqm) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240517T093242Z DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Sydney;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20221119T090000 DURATION:PT1H SUMMARY:Lecture - BIOL110/INT3/Day4-Lec5/1 DESCRIPTION:Item - BIOL110/INT3/Day4-Lec5/1. Title - Introduction to Biol ogy: Cells and Life. Type - Lecture LOCATION;ALTREP="";LANGUAGE=en:McClymont Le cture Theatre 1 (Room 387)\, W034 - McClymont Building (Rural Science) ( 86 cap @ 2sqm) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240517T093242Z DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Sydney;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20221116T090000 DURATION:PT1H SUMMARY:Lecture - BIOL110/INT3/Day1-Lec1/1 DESCRIPTION:Item - BIOL110/INT3/Day1-Lec1/1. Title - Introduction to Biol ogy: Cells and Life. Type - Lecture LOCATION;ALTREP="";LANGUAGE=en:McClymont Le cture Theatre 1 (Room 387)\, W034 - McClymont Building (Rural Science) ( 86 cap @ 2sqm) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240517T093242Z DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Sydney;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20221119T100000 DURATION:PT6H SUMMARY:Practical/Laboratory - BIOL110/INT3/Day4-Prac6/1 DESCRIPTION:Item - BIOL110/INT3/Day4-Prac6/1. Title - Introduction to Bio logy: Cells and Life. Type - Practical/Laboratory LOCATION;ALTREP="";LANGUAGE=en:AEB Teaching Lab 1 (Room 102)\, W077 - Ag Ed Building (128 cap @ 2sqm) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240517T093242Z DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Sydney;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20221119T100000 DURATION:PT6H SUMMARY:Practical/Laboratory - BIOL110/INT3/Day4-Prac6/1 DESCRIPTION:Item - BIOL110/INT3/Day4-Prac6/1. Title - Introduction to Bio logy: Cells and Life. Type - Practical/Laboratory LOCATION;ALTREP="";LANGUAGE=en:AEB Teaching Lab 2 (Room 103)\, W077 - Ag Ed Building (64 cap @ 2sqm) END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR