QM161 Business Statistics
Credit Points | 6 | ||||||||||||
Offering |
Intensive School(s) | None | ||||||||||||
Supervised Exam | There is a UNE Supervised Examination held at the end of the teaching period in which you are enrolled. | ||||||||||||
Pre-requisites | None | ||||||||||||
Co-requisites | None | ||||||||||||
Restrictions | EMET100 or EMET101 or ENSS103 or ENSS203 or QM101 or STAT100 | ||||||||||||
Notes | None | ||||||||||||
Combined Units | None | ||||||||||||
Coordinator(s) |
Unit Description |
This unit is designed to develop students' abilities to assess and critically interpret statistics and business data. The unit deals with basic statistical concepts and methods used to explore and properly present information (summarisation of data); assess uncertainty in business decisions (probability, random variables and sampling distributions); perform inferential analysis (estimation and hypothesis testing); evaluate relationships between business and economic variables and obtain reliable forecasts (correlation and simple regression). This unit provides a foundation for further study in many areas including business analytics and econometrics. Computer analysis using Excel is a basic part of the unit. |
Important Information |
Where calculators are permitted in examinations, it must be selected from an approved list, which can be accessed from the Further Information link below. |
Prescribed Material Mandatory |
Text(s): Note: Students are expected to purchase prescribed material. Please note that textbook requirements may vary from one teaching period to the next.
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Disclaimer | Unit information may be subject to change prior to commencement of the teaching period. |
Assessment |
Learning Outcomes (LO) |
Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to: