Pathways Enabling Course
Why study the Pathways Enabling Course at UNE?
The Pathways Enabling Course is a program of study for students without the educational background for admission to an undergraduate course at UNE. It is available for students who have not successfully completed any part of a university course, and who believe that completion of this enabling course will make them better qualified to successfully undertake an undergraduate course with an ATAR requirement of 77.10 or lower.
Completion of the Pathways Enabling Course provides the basis for admission to most undergraduate courses at UNE.
Domestic students are exempt from the student contribution amount for HECS.
To be eligible for the Pathways Enabling Course you must fall under one of the following circumstances;
· You left school before completing the HSC or equivalent, and have been working for at least 12 months; or
· You have completed the HSC or equivalent, but your high school results were too low to gain entry to a university degree program; or
· You have completed your high school education and have been in the workforce for a number of years, and have no other entry path into university; or
· You have not formally studied before, and you wish to build your academic skills to ensure your success at university study.
Students receive mentoring and additional tutorial support in the Foundation units (FNDN101 and FNDN102). If you complete school-based units in the Pathways Enabling Course, which are part of the course in which you later choose to enrol, you will receive advanced standing for those units. The two Foundation units (FNDN101 and FNDN102) include many formative assessment tasks that are assessed in a competency-based manner. Marks given for assessment tasks in these units are indicative only as the units are graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory scale. FNDN101 and FNDN102 do not count towards any course but provide students with the skills and confidence required for successful undergraduate study.
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Degree Snapshot
Up to 4 years Part-time
CSP (quotas apply) - Fees Exempt for Course
Trimester 1, Online
Trimester 2, Online
Trimester 3, Online
Course Type | Foundation Studies | ||||||||||||
Commencing |
Course Duration |
Fees | CSP (quotas apply) - Fees Exempt for Course | ||||||||||||
Total Credit Points | 24 | ||||||||||||
Intensive Schools | Mandatory intensive schools may be a requirement of some of the units in this course. See Unit Catalogue for specific requirements. |
Entry Requirements | 1. Admission to the Pathways Enabling Course will be open to candidates who are not admissible to a course and who intend to seek admission to an undergraduate course; or 2. Candidates: (a) who have not successfully completed any part of a course leading to an award of the University; and (b) who state that completion of this Enabling Course will make them better qualified to undertake an undergraduate course; and (c) who intend to seek admission to an undergraduate course. |
Further Information |
You can find instant answers to many of your questions or contact UNE directly via AskUNE |
Admission to Candidature
1. Admission to the Pathways Enabling Course will be open to candidates who are not admissible to a course and who intend to seek admission to an undergraduate course; or
2. Candidates:
(a) who have not successfully completed any part of a course leading to an award of the University; and
(b) who state that completion of this Enabling Course will make them better qualified to undertake an undergraduate course; and
(c) who intend to seek admission to an undergraduate course.
Period of Candidature
The period of candidature shall be up to four years as a part-time candidate.
Course Requirements
1. To complete the Enabling Course and qualify for admission to an undergraduate course candidates shall satisfactorily complete a program of study comprising a total of 24 credit points including:
(a) two Foundation units listed in the Program of Study; and
(b) any two Pathways elective units listed in the Program of Study.
2. (a) A maximum of 12 credit points may be taken in a trimester; and
(b) each elective unit automatically has FNDN101 as a co-requisite, except under exceptional circumstances and with the permission of the course coordinator.
Program of Study
Candidates shall complete an approved program of study as outlined in the Course Schedule comprising:
Course Structure | Credit Points |
Core Units | 12 cps |
Listed Units | 12 cps |
Total | 24 cps |
To view complete Program of Study click here
Progression Requirements
(a) Foundation units may be attempted or completed once only, except under exceptional circumstances and with the permission of the course coordinator; and
(b) any one Pathways listed unit may be attempted twice only; and
(c) if three Pathways listed units are attempted and not passed a student shall be required to show cause why they should not be withdrawn from the course; and
(d) any student enrolled in FNDN101 or FNDN102 who does not submit assignments that are due before the Census Date may be withdrawn from that unit at the course coordinator's discretion. If a student is withdrawn from FNDN101, they will also be withdrawn from any concurrently enrolled listed unit.
Candidates are referred to the Academic Assessment Appeals Policy and the Academic Assessment Appeals Procedures.
Course Progression
Candidates are referred to the Course Progression Rule and the Course Progression Procedures.
Improper Conduct
Candidates are referred to the Student Coursework Academic Misconduct Rule and the Student Coursework Academic Misconduct Procedures.
Course Aims |
The Pathways Enabling Course is a program of study for students without the educational background for admission to an undergraduate course at UNE. It is available for students who have not successfully completed any part of a university course, and who believe that completion of this enabling course will make them better qualified to successfully undertake an undergraduate course. |
Learning Outcomes |
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
Graduate Attributes |
Knowledge of a DisciplineStudents gain discipline knowledge through the choice and study of elective units. Students gain insight into the kinds of degree courses that might interest them or will not interest them. Students are exposed to a wider world view via induction into tertiary study. Communication SkillsStudents develop and practise communication skills through online participation in LMS units and through written assessment tasks. Problem SolvingStudents develop critical thinking and problem solving skills. These skills are practised and assessed through online discussions and written tasks. Information LiteracyA large portion of the two core foundation units of the course presents students with opportunities to practise fundamental information literacy skills - comprehension of information, finding, accessing, organising and communicating information. Ethical Conduct and Social ResponsibilityStudents learn the importance of academic integrity and the principle of fairness as applied to the attribution of work; participation in group activities develops an awareness of how their words and actions impact on others. Lifelong LearningThis is one of the key aims of the Pathways Enabling Course with successful completion of the course naturally leading to further tertiary study. Independence and CollaborationStudents develop the ability to work independently through the completion of individual assessment tasks, and develop group participation skills through online interactive teaching where they will learn the importance of participating in discussions in a professional and respectful manner. |
How to Apply
Domestic Students
All domestic students apply through the link below
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