LAW397 Special Studies in Law (B)

Updated: 19 March 2018
Credit Points 6
Location Teaching Period Mode of Study
Armidale Trimester 1 Online
Intensive School(s) None
Supervised Exam There is no supervised examination.
Pre-requisites 72cp in Law and a GPA greater than 5 and permission of the head of school
Co-requisites None
Restrictions LS397

The special study for Trimester 1 will be the Local Court Internship Programme. The Local Court Internship Programme is a mutually beneficial opportunity offering engagement between The Law Society of NSW (LSNSW), Local Courts, select NSW universities and students. Students will undergo an internship placement with a Local Court, supervised by a Local Court Magistrate and the University Internship Coordinator. The programme contributes to the development of future legal practitioners by exposing them to the reality of the practice of law in all its dimensions. The Internship is a significant educational experience, conceived as a professional learning bridge between university studies and a legal career. The Local Court Internship programme allows students to apply their substantive legal knowledge and academic skills to real legal problems while being supported and supervised by the Magistrate.

At the end of the internship, students will have:

· developed knowledge, skills, values and new ways of understanding from direct exposure to the law in operation;

· gained real-life knowledge;

· developed networking skills from working closely with the judiciary and the opportunity to work with someone who can become a mentor;

· experienced the Local Court by taking part in the justice process;

· observed and reflected upon the values, ethical standards and conduct of the legal profession in practice;

· learnt court etiquette and rules of evidence from the bench and bar; and

· applied the formal learning acquired at University to practice and therefore developed an appreciation of the practical dimensions of legal principles.

There are quotas on enrolments. Selection will be based on a student's UNE academic record (which should demonstrate a GPA of at least 5 across all law studies), an application answering a series of questions, and an interview.

Applications and student handbook are available online at:

All applications should be submitted to the Law Society no later than 1 December 2017 via the following link:

Combined Units None
Coordinator(s) Amanda Kennedy (
Unit Description

This unit allows students to take advantage of visiting or external academic staff who may wish to offer a unit in their area of interest on an occasional basis. Accordingly, School of Law does not guarantee that the unit will run in any particular teaching period or in any particular year. Students intending to enrol in this unit should check with the School of Law whether it will be offered in the teaching period the student wishes to enrol.

Materials No text required
Disclaimer Unit information may be subject to change prior to commencement of the teaching period.